De Charb isch im 2013 uf de Al-Kaida-Lischte vo de am meischt gsuechte Lüt gschtande,[1][2] wil er Mohammed-Karikature für d Zitschrift Charlie Hebedo zeichnet gha het.[3]
Er isch bim Überfall und em aaschliessende Massaker, verüebd durch zwei maskiirti Manner, in de Redaktionsrüüm vo Charlie Hebdo zämme mit em Cabu, em Tignous, em Wolinski, em Honoré, em Bernard Maris, dr Elsa Cayat und 5 witere Mönsche, drunder zwe Polizischte, ums Läbe cho.[4][5]
↑Conal Urquhart: Paris Police Say 12 Dead After Shooting at Charlie Hebdo. In: Time.: „Witnesses said that the gunmen had called out the names of individual from the magazine. French media report that Charb, the Charlie Hebdo cartoonist who was on al Qaeda most wanted list in 2013, was seriously injured.“
↑Barney Henderson: Paris Charlie Hebdo attack: live. In: The Telegraph.: „Famous French cartoonists Cabu, Charb, Tignous and Wolinski all reported killed in the attack.“