An etnisidad o grupong etniko iyo an sarong paggrupo nin mga tawo na pigmimidbid an lambang saro sa basehan kan nahihiling na pighihiras na attributes na nagpapalaen sa sainda kisa sa ibang grupo. An mga attributes na idto pwedeng kabali an komun na ginikanan na nasyon, o komun na apoon, tradisyon, tataramon, kasaysayan, sosyedad, relihiyon, o social treatment.[1][2] An terminong etnisidad parating pigagamit na karibay kan terminong nasyon, urog na sa mga kaso kan etnikong nasyonalismo.
An etnisidad posibleng mapangyari bilang sarong minana o kagibohan kan kagustuhan kan sosyedad. An pagigin myembro kan sarong etniko piglaladawan kan parehong cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, kasaysayan, homeland, tataramon, dialekto, relihiyon, mitolohiya, folklore, ritwal, cuisine, dressing style, arte, o physical appearance. An grupong etniko posibleng naghihiras nin sarong hayakpit o halakbang na spectrum nin genetic ancestry, depende sa group identification, na dakol na mga grupo an igwa nin saralak na genetic ancestry.[3][4][5]
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In essence, an ethnic group is a named social category of people based on perceptions of shared social experience or one's ancestors' experiences. Members of the ethnic group see themselves as sharing cultural traditions and history that distinguish them from other groups. Ethnic group identity has a strong psychological or emotional component that divides the people of the world into opposing categories of 'us' and 'them'. In contrast to social stratification, which divides and unifies people along a series of horizontal axes based on socioeconomic factors, ethnic identities divide and unify people along a series of vertical axes. Thus, ethnic groups, at least theoretically, cut across socioeconomic class differences, drawing members from all strata of the population.
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