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Gelīcness of Plato

Plato (ēac hātte hē Platon for þǣm Crēciscan naman) (geboren ymb þæt 428. gēar fōre Crīste; cƿæl ymb þæt 347. gēar fōre Crīste)[1] ƿæs Crēcisc ūþƿita and rīmƿita on Aþēnas. Hē ƿæs ge leornungmann Socrates, ge lǣrere Aristoteles; and ƿæs hē se staðoliend þæs lārgyldes on Aþēnas, þe ƿæs ān þāra formena gesetnessa hīere lāre on þǣm ƿesternum landum.

  1., St. Andrews University

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