57 results found for: “albert_einstein”.

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Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (pronunciation german: [ˈalbɛʁt ˈʔaɪnʃtaɪn]) (Ulm, Germania le 14 de martio 1879 – Princeton, New Jersey, SUA le 18 de april 1955), nascite...

Last Update: 2022-08-16T08:00:16Z Word Count : 219

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Somerville fundate 14 de martio: Albert Einstein (morte 1955) 7 de novembre: Leon Trotsky (morte 1940) Walter Isaacson, Einstein: His Life and Universe, Simon...

Last Update: 2022-04-27T02:24:26Z Word Count : 42

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Un professor es un inseniante academic in universitates. Albert Einstein Marie Curie Harper, Douglas. Professor. Online Etymology Dictionary. Derivation:...

Last Update: 2021-03-29T13:11:31Z Word Count : 44

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anno de mille novem centos cinquanta-cinque. Le 18 de april: moriva Albert Einstein, physico judeo-germano-statounitese e discoperitor del theorias del...

Last Update: 2018-10-29T04:38:05Z Word Count : 98

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chimic de symbolo Es e numero atomic 99. Illo es appellate in honor de Albert Einstein. Pecietta de chimia Iste articulo es ancora in stato embryonic: illo...

Last Update: 2018-12-17T22:12:29Z Word Count : 46

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Le anno de mille novem centos cinque. 30 de junio: Albert Einstein publica le theoria de relativitate special in su essayo Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter...

Last Update: 2022-06-17T22:10:07Z Word Count : 78

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qui crede in e practica le pacifismo. Pacifistas notabile include Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, Judith Malina...

Last Update: 2021-01-19T15:26:42Z Word Count : 57

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14 de martio

un anno bissextil), con 292 dies usque le termino del anno. 1879: Albert Einstein, physico judeo-germano-statounitese e discoperitor del theorias del...

Last Update: 2017-01-24T22:45:33Z Word Count : 44

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18 de april

un anno bissextil), con 257 dies usque le termino del anno. 1955: Albert Einstein, physico judeo-germano-statounitese e discoperitor del theorias del...

Last Update: 2017-01-26T22:22:26Z Word Count : 44

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20 de martio

un anno bissextil), con 286 dies usque le termino del anno. 1916: Albert Einstein publicava su Theoria General de Relativitate. 2003: Le armeas de SUA...

Last Update: 2020-01-30T07:24:19Z Word Count : 59

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Relativitate special

Le theoria del relativitate special, proponite per Albert Einstein in su essayo Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper (Super le electrodynamica de corpores...

Last Update: 2019-01-27T16:00:58Z Word Count : 344

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30 de junio

un anno bissextil), con 184 dies usque le termino del anno. 1905: Albert Einstein publica le theoria de relativitate special in su essayo Zur Elektrodynamik...

Last Update: 2017-01-26T22:34:56Z Word Count : 64

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energia electromagnetic solmente in quantitates specific. In 1905 Albert Einstein ha explicate le phenomeno de photoelectricitate per postular que le...

Last Update: 2021-08-10T21:29:06Z Word Count : 157

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le Mennonitos, le Amish, o le Quakeres. Pacifistas notabile include Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, John Lennon, Judith Malina...

Last Update: 2020-10-01T19:51:56Z Word Count : 141

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Arendt, Isaac Asimov, Michael Bloomberg, Marc Chagall, Noam Chomsky, Albert Einstein, Gabriel da Costa Fiuza (Uriel Acosta), Sigmund Freud, Allen Ginsberg...

Last Update: 2019-11-07T21:27:57Z Word Count : 204

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Relativitate general

relativitate es le theoria geometric del gravitation publicate per Albert Einstein in 1916 e es le description currente del gravitation in le physica...

Last Update: 2021-06-21T01:04:25Z Word Count : 424

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26 de septembre

magzin pro pulvere, es partialmente destruite in un explosion. 1905: Albert Einstein publica le articulo que ha introducite le theoria special de relativitate...

Last Update: 2018-11-06T17:09:02Z Word Count : 105

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Principio de Mach

Albert Einstein in su articulation del theoria del relativitate general. De facto, iste termino, principio de Mach, esseva introducite per Einstein in...

Last Update: 2017-01-29T22:27:40Z Word Count : 175

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Energias) — Optica Paul Dirac -- Isaac Newton -- Michael Faraday -- Albert Einstein -- Joseph John Thomson Il existe un distinction inter le physica theoric...

Last Update: 2024-01-14T16:33:45Z Word Count : 181

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aEC) René Descartes (La Haye, Francia 1596 - Stockholm, Svedia 1650) Albert Einstein (Ulm, Germania 1879 - Princeton, NJ, SUA 1955) ; Nobel 1921. Daniel...

Last Update: 2022-09-04T11:19:09Z Word Count : 399

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Paul Dirac

tenite al Centro in le anniversario centennial del nascimento de Albert Einstein in 1979. Abdus Salam, qui institueva le Medalio, esseva studiante de...

Last Update: 2022-07-13T19:43:33Z Word Count : 360

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Max Planck

quantic que surgeva alcun annos plus tarde con le collaboration de Albert Einstein e de Niels Bohr. Desde 1905 usque a 1909, Planck esseva le director...

Last Update: 2022-10-22T22:06:09Z Word Count : 380

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Conservation de energia

chimic pote devenir energia cinetic. Le theoria de relativitate de Albert Einstein monstra que energia e massa es equivalente, e que ni un appare sin...

Last Update: 2022-06-13T17:05:47Z Word Count : 400

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Mechanica quantic

es create per un processo de observation non physic. Le phrases de Albert Einstein "Deo non joca al datos" e "Pensa mesmo que le luna non es ibi quando...

Last Update: 2023-10-24T00:58:37Z Word Count : 613

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Luxemburg, Sidney e Beatrice Webb, Bertrand Russell, W. E. B. Du Bois, Albert Einstein, George Orwell, Jean-Paul Sartre e alteres. Socialismo es traditionalmente...

Last Update: 2020-08-10T14:56:06Z Word Count : 642

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representa un vector (o tensor). In su principio de equivalentia, in 1907, Albert Einstein provava que le massa inertial es equivalente al massa gravitational...

Last Update: 2023-10-24T00:59:56Z Word Count : 536

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Unda gravitational

Oliver Heaviside in 1893, undas gravititional ha essite predicite per Albert Einstein in 1916 in le quadro de su theoria general de relativitate. In 1981...

Last Update: 2024-05-27T18:57:52Z Word Count : 548

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Velocitate de lumine

le studio del motion apparente de Io, un luna de Jupiter. In 1905, Albert Einstein ha postulate que le velocitate de lumine in vacuo esseva independente...

Last Update: 2023-09-25T02:43:01Z Word Count : 2403

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Plural majestatic

duce nos, dunque, tamben in un definition de "tempore" in physica." — Albert Einstein Quando parla le Papa. Per exemplo: In espaniol: La circunstancia que...

Last Update: 2020-05-14T11:58:29Z Word Count : 518

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Albert Einstein e Marie Curie, ambes famosissime pro lor intelligentia...

Last Update: 2020-09-16T06:43:16Z Word Count : 200

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Kurt Gödel

University of Vienna[*], Albert Einstein World Award of Science[*], Foreign Member of the Royal Society[*], Albert Einstein Award[*] Lingua germano, anglese...

Last Update: 2021-10-03T01:08:11Z Word Count : 233

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Statos Unite de America

decennio de 1930 faceva que multe scientificos europee, includente Albert Einstein e Enrico Fermi, emigrava del pais. Durante le Secunde Guerra Mundial...

Last Update: 2023-11-16T08:39:35Z Word Count : 1818

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Premio Nobel

Albert Einstein, Premio Nobel pro Physica,1921, e Rabindranath Tagore, Premio Nobel pro Litteratura, 1913...

Last Update: 2024-05-30T03:11:26Z Word Count : 527

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Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru con Albert Einstein in 1949...

Last Update: 2022-05-13T13:42:43Z Word Count : 70

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Eugene Wigner

Premio Nobel pro Physica, Max Planck Medal[*], Enrico Fermi Award[*], Albert Einstein Award[*], National Medal of Science[*], Wigner Medal[*], Josiah Willard...

Last Update: 2020-02-05T16:12:08Z Word Count : 72

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Radiation electromagnetic

duceva al disveloppamento del theoria de relativitate special per Albert Einstein.) In un medio nonvacuose, factor de velocitate or indice de refraction...

Last Update: 2023-09-25T02:05:57Z Word Count : 970

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Kip Thorne

James Joyce Awards[*], Gruber Prize in Cosmology[*], Harvey Prize[*], Albert Einstein Medal[*], Kavli Prize in Astrophysics[*], Shaw Prize[*], Georges Lemaître...

Last Update: 2019-05-25T21:43:49Z Word Count : 91

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Sociologia del historia del scientia

(1642–1727) (mecanica classic), que ipse esseva eclipsate per le labor de Albert Einstein (1879–1955) (Relativitate), e posteriormente le theoria del mechanica...

Last Update: 2024-01-08T14:55:38Z Word Count : 2268

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Richard Feynman

Physica, Oersted Medal[*], Niels Bohr International Gold Medal[*], Albert Einstein Award[*], Foreign Member of the Royal Society[*], National Medal of...

Last Update: 2020-12-20T15:54:49Z Word Count : 72

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darwinian con le genetica classic.[135] Le theoria del relativitate de Albert Einstein e le developpamento del mechanica quantic complementa le mechanica...

Last Update: 2024-01-15T16:56:22Z Word Count : 3115

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Hebe Camargo

Camargo Sexo feminin Nascentia 1929-03-08 (Taubaté) Decesso 2012-09-29 (Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital) Causa de decesso infarcto cardiac Citatania Brasil...

Last Update: 2024-01-04T00:50:25Z Word Count : 96

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Reinhard Genzel

Wilhelm Leibniz Prize[*], Fellow of the American Physical Society[*], Albert Einstein Medal[*], Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal...

Last Update: 2020-10-07T17:42:42Z Word Count : 106

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John von Neumann

Lectureship[*], Silliman Memorial Lectures[*], Medal for Merit[*], Albert Einstein Award[*], Financial Times Person of the Year[*], Fellow of the Institute...

Last Update: 2020-11-14T01:30:40Z Word Count : 159

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Historia del physica

energia "atomica". In 1905, un physicista german de 26 annos nominate Albert Einstein (tunc un impendulo de patentes in Berna, Switza) monstrava como mesurationes...

Last Update: 2024-01-17T09:55:13Z Word Count : 13725

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Paul Nurse

Premios Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research[*], Premio Nobel pro Physiologia o Medicina, Copley Medal[*], Royal Medal[*], Albert Einstein World...

Last Update: 2021-11-24T01:37:48Z Word Count : 133

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Roger Penrose

Medal[*], Adams Prize[*], Eddington Medal[*], IOP Dirac Medal[*], Albert Einstein Medal[*], Naylor Prize and Lectureship[*], Helmholtz Medal[*], Karl...

Last Update: 2020-10-07T16:51:43Z Word Count : 108

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George F. Kennan

Peace Prize of the German Publishers' and Booksellers' Association[*], Albert Einstein Peace Prize[*], Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class[*],...

Last Update: 2023-09-25T00:30:41Z Word Count : 76

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Murray Gell-Mann

Physical Society[*], Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics[*], Albert Einstein Medal[*], Fellow of Pakistan Academy of Sciences[*], Fellow of the...

Last Update: 2020-05-23T20:32:40Z Word Count : 102

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Stephen Hawking

Parentes matre Isobel Eileen Hawking[*] patre Frank Hawking[*] Premios Albert Einstein Medal[*], Wolf Prize in Physics[*], Copley Medal[*], Presidential Medal...

Last Update: 2019-06-12T22:58:51Z Word Count : 525

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Willy Brandt

Vasa[*], Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour[*], B'nai B'rith[*], Albert Einstein Peace Prize[*], Grand Cross of the Order of the Sun of Peru‎[*], Grand...

Last Update: 2020-10-12T06:16:56Z Word Count : 68

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Hans Bethe

Medal[*], National Medal of Science[*], Leo Szilard Lectureship Award[*], Albert Einstein Peace Prize[*], Fellow of the American Physical Society[*], Bakerian...

Last Update: 2024-05-31T13:26:14Z Word Count : 170

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Margaret Burbidge

Astronomical Society[*], National Medal of Science[*], Bruce Medal[*], Albert Einstein World Award of Science[*], Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and...

Last Update: 2023-09-25T01:20:57Z Word Count : 256

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Historia de volapük

volapükista de Nuremberg, create in 1885 sub le influentia de Leopold Einstein, adopta le esperanto in 1888 e forma assi le prime club esperantiste del...

Last Update: 2023-08-20T08:45:07Z Word Count : 4982

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Scientia in le Seculo del Lumines

foramin nigre que resulta ex le theoria general de relativitate de Albert Einstein.[83] Le revolution chimic esseva un periodo in le seculo XVIII marcate...

Last Update: 2024-02-07T11:52:19Z Word Count : 6248

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Historia del scientia

esser correcte in omne circumstantias. A partir de 1900, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, e alteres developpava theorias quantic pro explicar resultatos...

Last Update: 2024-02-10T12:31:57Z Word Count : 19457

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Historia del mathematica

mathematic.[191] Le geometria differentiale deveniva prominente quando Albert Einstein la usava in le theoria general del relativitate. Nove dominios de mathematica...

Last Update: 2024-01-15T08:28:57Z Word Count : 9929

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Main result

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (pronunciation german: [ˈalbɛʁt ˈʔaɪnʃtaɪn]) (Ulm, Germania le 14 de martio 1879 – Princeton, New Jersey, SUA le 18 de april 1955), nascite in Germania e naturalisate statounitese, es un del scientistas le plus cognoscite del seculo 20. Einstein surge al fama mundial in le anno 1905 al publication de su theoria del relativitate special. In illo se incorporava in un marco theoric simple conceptos disveloppate anteriormente per Henri Poincaré e Hendrik Lorentz que esseva surgite como consequentia directe de postulatos physic simple. In 1916 ille ha presentate le theoria del relativitate general in lo que es reformulate completemente le conceptos del gravitation e un de cuje consequentias ha essite le surgimento del studio scientífic del origine e evolution del universo in le rama del physica denominate cosmologia. Probabilemente le equation del physica le plus cognoscite a nivello popular es le expression mathematic del equivalentia massa-energia, E = m c 2 {\displaystyle E=mc^{2}} , que ha essite deducite per Einstein como un consequentia logic del relativitate special. Einstein ha obtenite le Premio Nobel pro Physica in 1921 pro su explication del effecto photoelectric, un del bases initial del mechanica quantic.

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