Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus wæs liþmann of Italie se afand America in 1492. He fremmede feower faran geond Westsæ and aspyrgode onmang þæm manigum ieglandum ða he fund ða earon Westindiega. He arasode American for wide Europisc landbuendum. His borhanda for his farum wæron Spena Cyning and Cwen, Ferdinanrd Cyning and Isabelle Cwen, and þas faran wæron Europawara ærreste midwist mid ðæm Caribiscan landum, mid Middelamerican and mid Suðamerican.

In 1451 wæs he geboren in Genoa þære Cynewise. In his geoguþ seglode he on brime and for wide, oþ Breten and swa suþ swa Westaffrican. His forma fare to America ofer Westsæ wæs in 1492. He steaf on 20. dæg Þrimilcemonðes 1506.

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