Orcanege sindon īege be Scotlande norðan. On Nīƿum Englisce hātte þisne iegband Orkney. On Læden ƿæron Orcanege "Orcades", se nama oþ þa Norþmanna tocyme.
Orcanege is scīr and geþingedom.
Orcanege ƿæs gesetted be Norþmannum fram 9. gearhundrede. Hit ƿæs Norþƿegisce eorldom (mid Hjaltlande) oþþæt 1459. In þǣm geare geaf Dena cyning Scotta cyninge Iacobe III Orcanege and Hjaltland sƿa anƿedd.
Geānede Cynerīce | Scotland | Geþingedōm | |
Aberdon | Aberdonscir | Anagus | Argyll and But | Clackmannanscir | Dumfries and Galloƿay | Dundee | East Ayrscir | East Lefenax | East Loðene | East Renfreƿscir | Edinburg | Falkirk | Fif | Glasgoƿ | Heahland | Infercled | Midloðene | Moray | Na h-Eileanan Siar | Norþ Ayrscir | Norþ Lanercscir | Orcanege | Perþ and Kinross | Renfreƿscir | Scyttisce Mære | Geltland | Suþ Ayrscir | Suþ Lanercscir | Striuelin | Ƿest Lefenax | Ƿest Loðene |