La dinastia Barman o Varman (350-650) fou la dels primers governants històrics de Kamarupa o Kamrup; va ser establerta per Pushya Barman, un contemporani de Samudragupta.[2][3] Aquesta dinastia esdevingué vassalla de l'imperi Gupta, però quan el poder dels Guptes va decaure, Mahendra Varman (470-494) va fer el sacrifici de dos cavalls i es va despendre del del jou imperial.[4] La primera de les tres dinasties de Kamarupa, el Varmans o Barmans, va ser seguida per la dinastia Mlechchha de Xaala Stambha i després d'una restauració dels Barman, va seguir la dinastia Pala (en llengua local Paal).
↑Prakash, Col Ved, Encyclopedia of North-East India
↑Arun Bhattacharjee (1993), Assam in Indian Independence, Page 143 While Pushyavarman was the contemporary of the Gupta Emperor Samudra Gupta, Bhaskaravarman was the contemporary of Harshavardhana of Kanauj.
↑"Three thousand years after these mythical ancestors (Naraka, Bhagadatta and Vajradatta) there occurred Pushyavarman as the first historical king, after whom we have an uninterrupted line of rulers up to Bhaskarvarman."
↑"According to him (D C Sircar) Narayanavarma, the father of Bhutivarman, was the first Kamarupa king to perform horse-sacrifices and thus for the first time since the days of Pusyavarman freedom from the Gupta political supremacy was declared by Narayanavarma.