
Justicia, symbol y farnwriaeth.[1][2] Cerflun yn y Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, Tennessee

Barnwyr fel corff yw'r Farnwrniaeth[3], ynghyd ag ynadon ac ati. Mae'n ymgorffori pŵer y wladwriaeth.

Ym mhob gwlad ddemocrataidd heddiw mae o leiaf 3 phŵer sylfaenol, sef: Deddfwrfa, Gweithrediaeth, a Barnwriaeth. Ceir y cofnod cynharaf o'r gair Cymraeg "barnwriaeth" o'r 14g.[3]

  1. Hamilton, Marci. God vs. the Gavel, p. 296 (Cambridge University Press 2005): "The symbol of the judicial system, seen in courtrooms throughout the United States, is blindfolded Lady Justice."
  2. Fabri, Marco. The challenge of change for judicial systems, p, 137 (IOS Press 2000): "the judicial system is intended to be apolitical, its symbol being that of a blindfolded Lady Justice holding balanced scales."
  3. 3.0 3.1

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