A census of agriculture is a statistical operation for collecting, processing and disseminating data on the structure of agriculture, covering the whole or a significant part of a country. Typical structural data collected in a census of agriculture are number and size of holdings, land tenure, land use, crop area, irrigation, livestock numbers, gender of holders, number of household members, labour and other agricultural inputs. In a census of agriculture, data are collected at the holding level, but some community-level data may also be collected.[2]
The most widely accepted definition of the census of agriculture is that provided by the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (WCA),[3] particularly in its guidelines[2] that are updated every ten years.
In practice, countries adapt this definition to their national circumstances and needs. Some examples are available here.[4][5][6][7][8] Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union provides a common definition for all its member countries.[9]