Esperanto phonology

Esperanto is a constructed international auxiliary language designed to have a simple phonology. The creator of Esperanto, L. L. Zamenhof, described Esperanto pronunciation by comparing the sounds of Esperanto with the sounds of several major European languages.

With over a century of use, Esperanto has developed a phonological norm, including accepted details of phonetics,[1] phonotactics,[2] and intonation,[3] so that it is now possible to speak of proper Esperanto pronunciation and of properly formed words independently of the languages originally used to describe it. This norm accepts only minor allophonic variation.[4]

  1. ^ Burkina, O. (2005): "Rimarkoj pri la prononca normo en Esperanto", Lingvaj kaj historiaj analizoj. Aktoj de la 28-a Esperantologia Konferenco en la 90-a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto
  2. ^ "PMEG: Specialaj elparolaj reguloj". (in Esperanto). Section: Duoblaj literoj.
  3. ^ John C. Wells, La frazmelodio en internacia perspektivo (.doc document).
  4. ^ "PMEG: Bazaj elparolaj reguloj". (in Esperanto).

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