Food cart

Traditional wood-and-glass food carts, known as Pedagang Kaki Lima, lining a street in Jakarta. They sell various forms of Indonesian street foods.
Food cart at the Kirsikkapuisto park in Helsinki, Finland
Sabrett hot dog cart in New York City, run by a street vendor

A food cart is a mobile kitchen set up on the street to prepare and sell street food to passers-by. Food carts are often found in cities worldwide selling food of every kind.

Food carts come in two basic styles. One allows the vendor to sit or stand inside and serve food through a window. In the other, the vendor stands next to the cart, while all the room in the cart is used for storage and to house the cooking machinery, usually a grilling surface. The cart style is determined principally by the type of food.

Food carts are different from food trucks because they do not travel under their own power. Some food carts are towed by another vehicle, while some are pushed by a human or animal.

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