
Greek hetaira and her client, approx. 430 BC. The fact that she is on the couch with him is telling, as wives were not allowed into the symposium.

A hetaira, /hɪˈtrə/ (pl.: hetairai, /hɪˈtr/), also hetaera, /hɪˈtɪrə/ (pl.: hetaerae, /hɪˈtɪr/) (Ancient Greek: ἑταίρα, 'companion'; pl.: ἑταῖραι; Latin: hetaera; pl.: hetaerae), was a type of courtesan or prostitute in ancient Greece, who served as an artist, entertainer and conversationalist in addition to providing sexual service. Custom excluded the wives and daughters of Athenian citizens from the symposium, but this prohibition did not extend to hetairai, who were often foreign born and could be highly educated. Other female entertainers made appearances in the otherwise male domain, but hetairai joined the male guests in their sexual joking, sometimes evidencing a wide knowledge of literature in their contributions.

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