Kulkarni is a family name native to the Indian state of Maharashtra and parts of Karnataka. The name "Kulkarni" is a combination of two words (kula and karni). Kula means "family", and Karanika means "archivist". Historically, Kulkarni was the title given to the village record keeper.[1]
As per the historian P.J. Marshall, both Kulkarni and Deshpande were specialized scribes who "served great households and enhanced other, familiar, administrative mechanisms at their disposal".[2]
Scribal specialists , kulkarni and deshpande , served great households andĵiñɓñɓ⁵vfðणञघजूईखीका आ अआआककचपत पर यd he da se⁶to 233ç ɓ655n enhanced other , familistic , LMK ac c da þ56t$ñĥbbñn