Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation

Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation
Osvobodilna fronta slovenskega naroda
LeaderBoris Kidrič
FoundedApril 26, 1941 (1941-04-26)
DissolvedFebruary 19, 1944 (1944-02-19)
Merged intoPeople's Front of Yugoslavia
Succeeded bySlovene National Liberation Committee
Armed wingSlovene Partisans
Slovenian nationalism
Christian socialism
Political positionLeft-wing
Flag of the LFSN
Flag of the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation. The zigzag outline represents Mount Triglav.
Slovene Partisans in winter 1942.

The Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation (Slovene: Osvobodilna fronta slovenskega naroda), or simply Liberation Front (Osvobodilna fronta, OF), originally called the Anti-Imperialist Front (Protiimperialistična fronta, PIF), was a Slovene anti-fascist political party. The Anti-Imperialist Front had ideological ties to the Soviet Union (which was at the time in a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany)[1][2][3] in its fight against the imperialistic tendencies of the United States and the United Kingdom (the western powers),[4][5][6][7] and it was led by the Communist Party of Slovenia. In May 1941, weeks into the German occupation of Yugoslavia, in the first wartime issue of the illegal newspaper Slovenski poročevalec (Slovenian Reporter), members of the organization criticized the German regime and described Germans as imperialists.[8] They started raising money for a liberation fund via the second issue of the newspaper published on 8 June 1941.[9] When Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the Anti-Imperialist Front was formally renamed[10][11][12] and became the main anti-fascist Slovene civil resistance and political organization under the guidance and control of the Slovene communists. It was active in the Slovene Lands during World War II. Its military arm was the Slovene Partisans. The organisation was established in the Province of Ljubljana on 26 April 1941 in the house of the literary critic Josip Vidmar.[13] Its leaders were Boris Kidrič and Edvard Kardelj.

  1. ^ Alexander, Robert J. (1970). "The Communist Parties of Latin America". Problems of Communism. 19 (4): 38. the Soviet Union was formally allied with Nazi Germany
  2. ^ Sandbu, Martin (2015). Europe's Orphan: The Future of the Euro and the Politics of Debt. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. p. 1. The Soviet Union was still allied with Nazi Germany
  3. ^ Čuk, Ivan; Vest, Aleks Leo (January 14, 2020). "Prevarani Sokoli - anatomija sovražnega prevzema". Novice. Retrieved May 10, 2021. komunisti so se za upor odločili šele po nemškem napadu na Sovjetsko zvezo 22. junija 1941, dotlej sta bili državi z Ribbentrop-Molotovovim paktom zaveznici
  4. ^ Janez Arnež (2003). "Slovenska ljudska stranka 1941–1990". In Kokole, Metoda; Likar, Vojislav; Weiss, Peter (eds.). Historični seminar 4. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU. p. 245. Komunistična stranka je doma v ilegali organizirala Protiimperialistično fronto proti zapadnim silam, ker je bila Sovjetska zveza tedaj zaveznica Hitlerjeve Nemčije in si je z njo razdelila ozemlje premagane Poljske.
  5. ^ Griesser-Pečar, Tamara (2004). Razdvojeni narod: Slovenija 1941–1945: okupacija, kolaboracija, državljanska vojna, revolucija. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga. zveza Protiimperialistična fronta sprva, kot pove že ime, usmerjena le proti imperialističnim silam, predvsem proti Veliki Britaniji in ZDA
  6. ^ "Komu Pahor postavlja spomenik?". (in Slovenian). Retrieved 2021-05-03. ... je bila OF najprej usmerjena tudi proti zahodnim silam.
  7. ^ Žužek, Aleš (April 27, 2021). "Od Društva prijateljev Sovjetske zveze do Osvobodilne fronte". SiolNET. Retrieved May 10, 2021. ... je bila organizacija usmerjena tudi proti Veliki Britaniji
  8. ^ Renton: 1941: Slovenski mediji med prvim letom okupacije:
  9. ^ Slovenski poročevalec, image of second war issue: "Cena 1 din za osvobodilni fond"
  10. ^ Beltram, Vlasta; Plahuta, Slavica (1978). Zgodovinski mejniki za priključitev Primorske k Jugoslaviji. Koper: Pokrajinski muzej Koper. Protiimperialistična fronta, ki se je po napadu Nemčije na SZ 22. junija 1941 preimenovala v Osvobodilno fronto
  11. ^ "Spoštovati je treba vse žrtve, padle v NOB". April 27, 2011. Retrieved May 10, 2021. Protiimperialistična fronta se je v OF slovenskega naroda preimenovala po nemškem napadu na Sovjetsko zvezo 22. junija 1941
  12. ^ "Razdvajanje slovenskega naroda". Radio Ognjišče. December 20, 2017. Retrieved May 10, 2021. Šele po nemškem napadu na Sovjetsko zvezo 22. junija 1941, ko je SZ, ki je začela vojno na strani Tretjega Rajha, stopila na stran zahodnih zaveznikov, se je situacija za KPS spremenila, V interesu SZ je bilo, da se PIF preusmeri v boj proti okupatorju, zato se je iz taktičnih razlogov preimenovala v OF.
  13. ^ "Godeša: OF je ob koncu vojne predstavljal večino Slovencev" [Towards the End of the War, the Liberation Front Represented the Majority of Slovenes]. MMC RTV Slovenija (in Slovenian). RTV Slovenija. 26 April 2011.

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