This is a complete list of episodes for the Japanese anime television series Azumanga Daioh produced by the animation studio J.C.Staff,[1] and based on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Kiyohiko Azuma. The series originally aired on TV Tokyo, TV Aichi, TV Osaka, and AT-X in five-minute segments each weekday from 8 April 2002 until 30 September 2002. Each week's segments were repeated that weekend in a 25-minute compilation episode with an opening and credits, for a total of 130 five-minute segments and 26 episode compilations. The compilation episodes were released to VHS and DVD by Starchild Records;[2] the five-minute segments can be distinguished by their individual titles.
In the United States, the anime television series was released by ADV Films in both a six-volume DVD set on 9 September 2005, and later reissued as a five-volume "thinpak" DVD set.[3] The sixth DVD volume of the first release included The Very Short Azumanga Daioh Movie. The first three episodes are available for iOS, although episode two requires Wi-Fi.