Neolithic Greece

Neolithic Greece
PeriodNeolithic Europe
Datesc. 7000 – c. 3200 BC
Major sitesNea Nikomedeia, Sesklo, Dimini, Franchthi Cave, Athens, Knossos, Milos
CharacteristicsSocioeconomic and architectural developments
Preceded byBalkan Mesolithic, Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
Followed bySesklo culture, Cycladic culture, Minoan civilization, Helladic period, Cardium pottery, Starčevo culture, Eutresis culture, Korakou culture, Tiryns culture

Neolithic Greece is an archaeological term used to refer to the Neolithic phase of Greek history beginning with the spread of farming to Greece in 7000–6500 BC, and ending around 3200 BC. During this period, many developments occurred such as the establishment and expansion of a mixed farming and stock-rearing economy, architectural innovations (i.e. "megaron-type" and "Tsangli-type" houses), as well as elaborate art and tool manufacturing. Neolithic Greece is part of the Prehistory of Southeastern Europe.

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