Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know

Did you know 1

Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know/1

Did you know 2

Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know/2

Did you know 3

Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know/3

Did you know 4

Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know/4

  • ...that the name of the Azerbaijani settlement Ramana, with natural gas vents where Zoroastrians still hold fire rites, is probably derived from Romana, the Latin word for ancient Rome?

Did you know 5

Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know/5

Did you know 6

Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know/6

Did you know 7

Portal:Azerbaijan/Did you know/7

  • ... that Badr Shirvani, a Persian poet from Shirvan in the present-day Republic of Azerbaijan, received patronage from numerous rulers at the same time?

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