
Celtic tribes of South England
CapitalNoviomagus Reginorum (Chichester)
(Also parts of Hampshire, Kent, Surrey)
RulersDiviciacus of the Suessiones: 90 - 60 BC

Commius, the Atrebatian: 51 - 35 BC

Commius the Younger: 35 - 20 BC

Tincomaros: 30 BC - 7 AD

Eppillus: 30 BC - 15 AD

Verica: 15 - 41 AD

Tiberius Claudius Cogidubnus: 43 - 80 AD

The Regni (also the Regini or the Regnenses) were a Celtic tribe or group of tribes living in Britain prior to the Roman Conquest, and later a civitas or canton of Roman Britain. They lived in what is now Sussex, as well as small parts of Hampshire, Surrey and Kent, with their tribal heartland at Noviomagus Reginorum (modern Chichester).

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