Romanche Trench

The Romanche Trench with red arrows indicating directions of movements of tectonic plates

The Romanche Trench, also called the Romanche Furrow or Romanche Gap, is the third-deepest of the major trenches of the Atlantic Ocean, after the Puerto Rico Trench and the South Sandwich Trench. It bisects the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) just north of the equator at the narrowest part of the Atlantic between Brazil and West Africa, extending from 2°N to 2°S and from 16°W to 20°W. The trench has been formed by the actions of the Romanche Fracture Zone, a portion of which is an active transform boundary offsetting sections of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.[1]

It was named after the French navy ship La Romanche, commanded by captain Louis-Ferdinand Martial which on 11 October 1883 made soundings that revealed the trench. The boat was returning to France after spending a few months on a scientific mission near Cape Horn as part of the first International Polar Year.[2]

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