Twint is a Swiss mobile payment app whose development began in 2014, and was rolled out nation-wide in 2017. In 2024, Twint has become ubiquitous in Switzerland, with practically all stores accepting Twint payments, and nearly all banks taking part in the payment system. The app has first been developed by the company Monexio, a subsidiary wholly owned by PostFinance.

The first banks that cooperated in Twint were the Berner Kantonalbank and Valiant Bank (2015), and in 2016, the Basler Kantonalbank and Bank Cler, the then-time Coop Bank, followed.

Twint had approximately five million users at the begin of 2023,[1], while the adult population of Switzerland numbered seven million at the same time.

  1. ^ "Das einst belächelte Twint hat über 5 Millionen User – wichtiger ist aber eine andere Zahl" [The once ridiculed Twint has over 5 million users – but another number is more important]. Watson (in German). 2023-02-23. Retrieved 2024-07-04.

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