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World domination is the intellectual and theoretical pursuit of establishing a New world order. It is a common activity among children, and is often labelled as a complex mental illness similar to psychopathy by psychiatrists worried about their well-being. It shares common traits with geotechnical engineering and global studies, especially global governance.

Opponents to world domination dismiss it as a form of fascism, and frequently use invalid arguments such as reducio ad hitlerum to describe its inefficacy. In the highly complex world of human erudition, both supporters and critics of world domination assert that individuals cannot control the course of world progress, regardless of how history or progress is defined.

On a purely intellectual level, world dominance can be achieved by memorializing all the countries of the world, yet this creates the problem of de facto countries and micronations, all of which deserve eternal judgement and salvation. Most proponents of world domination have Swiss bank accounts. They are more likely to experience annoyance toward religious topics.

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