
— Wikipedian —
Name in real lifeNo
CountryAustralia Straya mate
Height178 cm (5 ft 10 in) last time I checked
IQ> 90
Account statistics
Joined30 June 2020 (2020-06-30)
First edit27 August 2020
Autoconfirmed27 August 2020
Extended confirmed17 August 2023
Pending changes reviewer24 August 2024
Rollbacker24 August 2024
Edit countSomewhere here I think

Aydoh8 (ay-dough-haitch-EIGHT) is a Wikipedian who is interested in various areas of the interwebs such as history, technology, politics and various other miscellaneous topics.

I recently celebrated my fourth WikiVersary on 30 June 2024 after joining during the pandemic out of boredom.

One of my main Wikipedia hobbies is to what I call WikiFish, whereby I patrol Special:RecentChanges looking for potentially disruptive edits. I use this configuration.

I also have an account at Wikimedia Commons which you can find here.

Happy editing!

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