This page is a user's work in progress page, not an article and may be incomplete and/or non-verifiable. The current version of this article is, or will be located at User:Habatchii. The materials posted within this article may contain existing references to articles within this encylopedia and technologies under proposal to be developed. If you would like to particpate in the development of such a project, please use the discussion page of the user. The author is not responsible for usage of this material outside of the guidelines for the entire site.
This page provides a brief introduction to the author known as 'Habatchii' and the campaign for intellectual equality. Habatchii is defined as
Habatchii: 'A small, usually portable grille used to prepare and smoke known foodsource or produce...'. This is not the standing definition of the proper name of 'Habatchii', which has various attributes of science, technology, aerospace and other known and existing instances of physics, law and enforcement.