User talk:TrangaBellam


manavyAḷakinca rAdaṭE
marmamella telpedanE manasA
ghanuḍaina rAma candruni
karuṇAntaraṅgamu telisina nA (manavi)
karma kAṇḍa matAkṛṣṭulai bhava
gahana cArulai gAsi jendaga
kani mAnavAvatAruḍai
kanipiñcinAḍE naḍata tyAgarAju (manavi)

— Tyagaraja

Yes, I do suffer from something of what the Japanese called a hōgan-biiki (判官贔屓) empathy in my approach to the world. It does influence what attracts my attention, meaning I sympathise with the silenced underdog in so many conflicts, be they Aboriginals or Palestinians or Tibetans. This as far as I am aware does not translate into being uncomfortable with my country of origins, or antisemitic, or hostile to Chinese. From distinct backgrounds, I gather, several editors share this interest and they tend to work well together because they subscribe to the same principles of evidence which are commended in academia as they are on wikipedia as ideals.

— Nishidani, en-wiki

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