
Luther and Hus serving communion under both kinds together, an imaginative woodcut from 16th-century Saxony representing the affinity of Lutherans and Moderate Hussites

Utraquism (from the Latin sub utraque specie, meaning "under both kinds"), also called Calixtinism (from chalice; Latin: calix, borrowed from Greek kalyx, shell, husk; Czech: kališníci), was a belief amongst Hussites, a reformist Christian movement, that communion under both kinds (both bread and wine, as opposed to the bread alone) should be administered to the laity during the celebration of the Eucharist.[1] It was a principal dogma of the Hussites and one of the Four Articles of Prague.[2]

After the Hussite movement split into various factions early in the Hussite Wars, Hussites that emphasized the laity's right to communion under both kinds became known as Moderate Hussites, Utraquist Hussites, or simply Utraquists. The Utraquists were the largest Hussite faction.

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