Wikipedia:Requested articles/Arts and entertainment/Speculative fiction

Add your request in the most appropriate place below.

Before adding a request please:

Also, when adding a request, please include as much information as possible (such as webpages, articles, or other reference material) so editors can find and distinguish your request from an already-created article.

This is a list of articles which have been requested to be created which fall under the category of speculative fiction, including anything related to science fiction, fantasy, horror, alternate history. Please also add requests you add to this page to the other appropriate request pages:

When adding a request, please follow these guidelines:

  • Please add authors' names alphabetically under their last/family names.
  • Please add fictional works by title, ignoring particles (a, an, the).
  • Please provide links—internal or external—and/or a brief description so as to help those who want to create an article.
  • Please only add requests to one section.

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