
Gelhe tevahî
c. 80 mîlyon
 Tirkiye 58,000,000 - 62,000,000[1][2]
 Kîpros 315,000[3]
Herêmên ku lê şêniyên sereke ne
 Almanya2,000,000 - 7,000,000[4][5][6][7]
 Iraq2,000,000 - 3,000,000[8][9]
 DYA1,000,000 - 3,000,000[13][14][15][16][17][18][19]
 Lîbya700,000 - 1,000,000[25]
Keyaniya Yekbûyî500.000[29][30][31]
  Holenda400,000 - 2,000,000[32][33][34]
 Awistirya360,000 - 500,000[35][36]
 Belçîka250,000 - 500,000[39][40]
 Misir100,000 - 1,500,000[50]
 Makedonyaya Bakur77,959–200,000[52][53]
 Danîmarka70,000 - 75,000[54][55]
 Yewnanistan49,000 - 130,000[57][58][59][60]
Baweriya dînî
Îslam (sunîtî û elewîtî)
yên din: Xiristiyanî, Tengrî, Cihûtî

Tirk an jî Rom (bi tirkî: Türkler) komekî etnikî ne ku bi piranî li Anatolyayê,[68] rojhilata Trakyayê û li Bakurê Kîprosê dijîn.[69] Nifûsa giştî ya gelên Tirkiyeyê yên li derveyî welat ji 6,5 mîlyon kesî derbas dibe, ji van derdora 5,5 mîlyon li welatên Ewropaya Rojava dijîn.[70] Tirkên mayî yên li derveyî Tirkiyê ku li axa împeratoriya osmaniyan a berê dijîn, ku îro jî di nav kêmneteweyan de têne dîtin. Tirk bi eslê xwe ji Asyaya Navîn in û bi gelên tirkî re wekî azerî, tirkmen, teterên Krîmê, ûzbêk, ûygûr, yaqût û hwd. ve girêdayî ne.[71] Tirkên „Muhacîr“ wekî 10 mîlyon kesên misilman ya dewleta osmanî bûn, û neviyên wan ên piştî hilweşîna împeratoriya Osmanî ji dayik bûne, bi piranî Tirk in, lê alban, bosnak, yewnanên misilman, çerkez, teterên Krîmê, bulgarên misilman, pomak,[72] û romayên misilman[73] jî henê ku ji şerên sedsala 18an heya sedsala 20an koçî Trakyaya Rojhilat û Anatolyayê kirin, bi taybetî ji bo zilma berdewam a li welatên xwe xîlas bibin. Îro çaryek heya sêyek nifûsa Tirkiyeyê ya 85 mîlyonî bi eslê xwe ji ev Muhacîran ne.[74]

Tirko ji Asyaya Navendî di sedsala 11an de, bi fethên selcûqî li Anatolyayê bi cîh bûne. Vê yekê dest bi veguhertina herêmî kir, ku bi giranî herêmeke yewnanaxev piştî ku berê helenî bû, bûye herêmekî misilmanên tirk.[75][76][77] Împeratoriya Osmanî di nav çend sedsalan de piraniya herêmên Balkanê, başûrê Qefqasyayê, Rojhilata Navîn (ji bilî Îranê, tevî ku wan beşek ji wê kontrol dikir) û Afrîkaya bakur de desthilatdar bû. Împerator heya dawiya Şerê Cîhanî yê Yekem desthildar kir, dema ku ji aliyê hevpeymanan ve hat hilwêşandin û parve kirin. Piştî Şerê Serxwebûnê yê Tirkan ku bi paşxistina Tevgera Netewî ya Tirk re gelek deverên ku ji aliyê Hevalbendan ve hatibûn windakirin, bi dawî bû, Tevgerê di 1ê Mijdara 1922an de împeratoriya Osmanî qedand û di 29ê Cotmeha 1923an de Komara Tirkiyeyê îlan kir.[78]

  1. ^ Garibova, Jala (2011), "A Pan-Turkic Dream: Language Unification of Turks", in Fishman, Joshua; Garcia, Ofelia (eds.), Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity: The Success-Failure Continuum in Language and Ethnic Identity Efforts, Oxford University Press, p. 268, ISBN 978-0-19-983799-1, Approximately 200 million people,... speak nearly 40 Turkic languages and dialects. Turkey is the largest Turkic state, with about 60 million ethnic Turks living in its territories.
  2. ^ Hobbs, Joseph J. (2017), Fundamentals of World Regional Geography, Cengage, p. 223, ISBN 978-1-305-85495-6, The greatest are the 65 million Turks of Turkey, who speak Turkish, a Turkic language...
  3. ^ Xeletiya çavkanî: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named :1
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  5. ^ Engstrom, Aineias (12 January 2021), "Turkish-German "dream team" behind first COVID-19 vaccine", Portland State Vanguard, Portland State University, archived from the original on 27 March 2021, retrieved 27 March 2021, The German census does not gather data on ethnicity, however according to estimates, somewhere between 4–7 million people with Turkish roots, or 5–9% of the population, live in Germany.
  6. ^ Szyszkowitz, Tessa (2005), "Germany", in Von Hippel, Karin (ed.), Europe Confronts Terrorism, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 53, ISBN 978-0-230-52459-0, It is a little late to start the debate about being an immigrant country now, when already seven million Turks live in Germany.
  7. ^ Orvis, Stephen; Drogus, Carol Ann (2018). Introducing Comparative Politics: Concepts and Cases in Context. CQ Press. p. 305. ISBN 978-1-5443-7444-4. Today, nearly three million ethnic Turks live in Germany, and many have raised children there.
  8. ^ Triana, María (2017), Managing Diversity in Organizations: A Global Perspective, Taylor & Francis, p. 168, ISBN 978-1-317-42368-3, Turkmen, Iraqi citizens of Turkish origin, are the third largest ethnic group in Iraq after Arabs and Kurds and they are said to number about 3 million of Iraq's 34.7 million citizens according to the Iraqi Ministry of Planning.
  9. ^ Tastekin, Fehim (2018). "Why Iraqi Turkmens are excluded from the new government". Al-Monitor. Archived from the original on 12 September 2021. Retrieved 12 September 2021. Turkmens are said to be 10-13% of the overall Iraqi population [i.e. 4 to 5 million out of a total population of 40 million], but that ratio is not reflected in parliament.
  10. ^ Aikman, David (2014), The Mirage of Peace: Understand The Never-Ending Conflict in the Middle East, Baker Publishing Group, ISBN 978-1-4412-2355-5, There is also about 1.7 million Turks in Syria, and about 800,000 Druze,...
  11. ^ Maisel, Sebastian (2016), Yezidis in Syria: Identity Building among a Double Minority, Lexington Books, r. 15, ISBN 978-0739177754
  12. ^ Pierre, Beckouche (2017), "The Country Reports: Syria", Europe's Mediterranean Neighbourhood, Edward Elgar Publishing, rr. 178–180, ISBN 978-1786431493, Before 2011, Syria's population was 74% Sunni Muslim, including...Turkmen (4%)...
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  14. ^ Encyclopedia of Cleveland History. "Immigration and Ethnicity: Turks". Ji orîjînalê di 12 adar 2016 de hat arşîvkirin. Roja gihiştinê 7 sibat 2010.
  15. ^ The Washington Diplomat. "Census Takes Aim to Tally'Hard to Count' Populations". Roja gihiştinê 5 gulan 2011.
  16. ^ Farkas 2003, 40.
  17. ^ Feldman, Brian (2022), The District 15 Delegation will be making an appearance Thursday on a TV show which reaches over 2 million Turkish Americans as well as viewers in Turkey!, Facebook, retrieved 3 November 2022
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  19. ^ Bryson, John (2012), "Remarks by Commerce Secretary Bryson, April 5, 2012", Foreign Policy Bulletin, Cambridge University Press, 22 (3): 137, Here in the U.S., you can see our person-to-person relationships growing stronger each day. You can see it in the 13,000 Turkish students that are studying here in the U.S. You can see it in corporate leaders like Muhtar Kent, the CEO of Coca-Cola, and you can see it in more than one million Turkish-Americans who add to the rich culture and fabric of our country. The citation is also available on Remarks at Center for American Progress & Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists of Turkey (TUSKON) Luncheon, U.S. Department of Commerce, 2012, retrieved 13 November 2020
  20. ^ Fransa Diyanet İşleri Türk İslam Birliği. "2011 YILI DİTİB KADIN KOLLARI GENEL TOPLANTISI PARİS DİTİB'DE YAPILDI". Ji orîjînalê di 7 kanûna paşîn 2012 de hat arşîvkirin. Roja gihiştinê 15 sibat 2012.
  21. ^ Gallard, Joseph; Nguyen, Julien (2020), "Il est temps que la France appelle à de véritables sanctions contre le jeu d'Erdogan", Marianne, archived from the original on 14 February 2021, retrieved 25 November 2020, ... et ce grâce à la nombreuse diaspora turque, en particulier en France et en Allemagne. Ils seraient environ un million dans l'Hexagone, si ce n'est plus...es raisons derrière ne sont pas difficiles à deviner : l'immense population turque en Allemagne, estimée par Merkel elle-même aux alentours de sept millions et qui ne manquerait pas de se faire entendre si l'Allemagne prenait des mesures allant à l'encontre de la Turquie.
  22. ^ Council of Europe 2006, 23.
  23. ^ Blacklock 2005, 8
  24. ^ Hentz, Jean-Gustave; Hasselmann, Michel (2010). Transculturalité, religion, traditions autour de la mort en réanimation. Springer-Verlag France. doi:10.1007/978-2-287-99072-4_33. ISBN 978-2-287-99072-4. La France d'aujourd'hui est une société multiculturelle et multiethnique riche de 4,9 millions de migrants représentant environ 8 % de la population du pays. L'immigration massive de populations du sud de l'Europe de culture catholique après la deuxième guerre mondiale a été suivie par l'arrivée de trois millions d'Africains du Nord, d'un million de Turcs et de contingents importants d'Afrique Noire et d'Asie qui ont implanté en France un islam majoritairement sunnite (Maghrébins et Africains de l'Ouest) mais aussi chiite (Pakistanais et Africains de l'Est).
  25. ^ Rashad, Sarah (2020). "Kouloughlis: Turkey's bridge to intervention in Libya". Centre d'Etudes Moyen-Orient (CEMO). Retrieved 19 August 2021.
  26. ^ National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria (2011). "2011 Population Census in the Republic of Bulgaria (Final data)" (PDF). National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria.
  27. ^ Sosyala 2011, 369.
  28. ^ Bokova 2010, 170.
  29. ^ Home Affairs Committee 2011, 38
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  32. ^ van Veen, Rita (2007), 'De koningin heeft oog voor andere culturen', Trouw, archived from the original on 12 April 2021, retrieved 25 December 2020, Erol kan niet voor alle twee miljoen Turken in Nederland spreken, maar hij denkt dat Beatrix wel goed ligt bij veel van zijn landgenoten.
  33. ^ Baker, Rauf (2021), The Netherlands: The EU's "New Britain"?, Begin–Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, The Netherlands, which has a total population of 17 million, contains around two million Turks,...
  34. ^ Aalberse, Suzanne; Backus, Ad; Muysken, Pieter [in Dutch] (2019), Heritage Languages: A language Contact Approach, John Benjamins Publishing Company, p. 90, ISBN 978-90-272-6176-2, the Dutch Turkish community... out of a population that over the years must have numbered half a million.
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  36. ^ Mölzer, Andreas. "In Österreich leben geschätzte 500.000 Türken, aber kaum mehr als 10–12.000 Slowenen". Archived from the original on 25 December 2018. Retrieved 30 October 2020.
  37. ^ Al-Akhbar. "Lebanese Turks Seek Political and Social Recognition". Al Akhbar. Archived from the original on 20 June 2018. Retrieved 2 March 2012. Erdogan's envoys were surprised to find out that Turks who immigrated 100 years ago today number nearly 80,000.
  38. ^ "Suriye Türkmenlerinin sorunlarına ilişkin gündem dışı konuşması". Grand National Assembly of Turkey. 2018. Retrieved 17 December 2020. Yaklaşık olarak 200 bin Türkmen'in Lübnan'da yaşadığı tahmin edilmektedir.
  39. ^ Manço, Altay; Taş, Ertugrul (2019), "Migrations Matrimoniales: Facteurs de Risque en Sante´ Mentale", The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, SAGE Publishing, 64 (6): 444, doi:10.1177/0706743718802800, PMC 6591757, PMID 30380909
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  41. ^ Lennie, Soraya (2017). "Turkish diaspora in Australia vote in referendum". TRT World. p. 28. Retrieved 14 November 2020. An estimated 200,000 Turks live in Australia with most of them based in Melbourne's northern suburbs.
  42. ^ a b Vahdettin, Levent; Aksoy, Seçil; Öz, Ulaş; Orhan, Kaan (2016), Three-dimensional cephalometric norms of Turkish Cypriots using CBCT images reconstructed from a volumetric rendering program in vivo, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Recent estimates suggest that there are now 500,000 Turkish Cypriots living in Turkey, 300,000 in the United Kingdom, 120,000 in Australia, 5000 in the United States, 2000 in Germany, 1800 in Canada, and 1600 in New Zealand with a smaller community in South Africa.
  43. ^ Laczko, Frank; Stacher, Irene; Klekowski von Koppenfels, Amanda (2002), New challenges for Migration Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, Cambridge University Press, p. 187, ISBN 978-90-6704-153-9
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  50. ^ Gamal, Gamal, Did the Turks sweeten Egypt's kitty?, Al-Ahram Weekly, retrieved 1 May 2018, Today, the number of ethnic Turks in Egypt varies considerably, with estimates ranging from 100,000 to 1,500,000. Most have intermingled in Egyptian society and are almost indistinguishable from non-Turkish Egyptians, even though a considerable number of Egyptians of Turkish origin are bilingual.
  51. ^ Aytaç, Seyit Ahmet (2018), Shared issues, stronger ties: Canada's envoy to Turkey, Anadolu Agency, retrieved 7 February 2021, Turkish diaspora of some 100,000 Turks largely in Toronto is growing, says Canadian Ambassador Chris Cooter ... We have a growing Turkish diaspora and they're doing very well in Canada. We think it's 100,000, largely in Toronto. We have several thousand Turkish students in Canada as well.
  52. ^ Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Macedonia, 2002" (PDF). Republic of Macedonia – State Statistical Office. 2005. Retrieved 12 December 2017.
  53. ^ Knowlton, MaryLee; Nevins, Debbie (2020), North Macedonia, Cavendish Square Publishing, ISBN 978-1-5026-5590-5, The Turks are the second largest national minority in Macedonia. Like other ethnic groups, they claim higher numbers than the census shows, somewhere between 170,000 and 200,000.
  54. ^ Larsen, Nick Aagaard (2008), Tyrkisk afstand fra Islamisk Trossamfund, Danish Broadcasting Corporation, retrieved 1 November 2020, Ud af cirka 200.000 muslimer i Danmark har 70.000 tyrkiske rødder, og de udgør dermed langt den største muslimske indvandrergruppe.
  55. ^ Türk kadınının derdi Danimarka'da da aynı, Milliyet, 2015, retrieved 7 September 2021, Danimarka'da yaşayan 75 bin Türk nüfusunda
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  76. ^ Leonard, Thomas M. (2006). "Turkey". Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Volume 3. Routledge. p. 1576. ISBN 9781579583880. Subsequently, Hellenization of the elites transformed Anatolia into a largely Greek-speaking region
  77. ^ Sahadeo, Jeff; Zanca, Russell (12 tîrmeh 2007). Everyday Life in Central Asia: Past and Present (bi îngilîzî). Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-01353-8.
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