↑"Palaeozoicum": Robertus Koeppel, Praelectiones geologiae et praehistoriae pars 1 iii (Romae, 1933) p. 5 (Paginae selectae apud Google Books).
↑Adam Sedgwick, "A synopsis of the English series of stratified rocks inferior to the Old Red Sandstone, with an attempt to determine the successive natural groups and formations" in Proceedings of the Geological Society of London 2 (1838), 675–85, vide p. 685.
↑De historia nominis definitionisque vide: Mary Grace Wilmarth, The Geologic Time Classification of the United States Geological Survey Compared With Other Classifications, accompanied by the original definitions of era, period and epoch terms (United States Geological Survey Bulletin no. 769. Vasingtoniae: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1925) (p. 10 apud Google Books).