O termo parapsicologia foi criado em 1889 por Max Dessoir[8][9] e adotado na década de 1930 por Joseph Banks Rhine[10] para substituir os termos "metapsíquica" e "pesquisa psíquica".[11]
↑Gross, Paul R; Levitt, Norman; Lewis, Martin W (1996). The Flight from Science and Reason (em inglês). New York: New York Academy of Sciences. p. 565. ISBN978-0801856761. The overwhelming majority of scientists consider parapsychology, by whatever name, to be pseudoscience.
↑Friedlander, Michael W (1998). At the Fringes of Science (em inglês). xxx: Westview Press. p. 119. ISBN0-8133-2200-6. Parapsychology has failed to gain general scientific acceptance even for its improved methods and claimed successes, and it is still treated with a lopsided ambivalence among the scientific community. Most scientists write it off as pseudoscience unworthy of their time.
↑Pigliucci, Massimo; Boudry, Maarten (2013). Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem. [S.l.]: University Of Chicago Press. p. 158. ISBN978-0-226-05196-3. Many observers refer to the field as a 'pseudoscience'. When mainstream scientists say that the field of parapsychology is not scientific, they mean that no satisfying naturalistic cause-and-effect explanation for these supposed effects has yet been proposed and that the field's experiments cannot be consistently replicated.
↑Parapsychology. Cambridge Dictionary. Página visitada em 27/11/2014.
↑Rhine, J.B (1973). Extra-sensory Perception (em inglês). Boston: Branden Books. p. 240. ISBN9780828314640. Consultado em 4 de Maio de 2016. About this book, from the author in 1964. This is the book that started all the hullabaloo that for more than twenty-five years has been going on around the world over the subject of ESP, or extrasensory perception, and related topics. Its publication in 1934 started the movement that has brought parapsychology in to the university laboratories in various countries and is leading to its acceptance as a proper branch of science, slow and irregular tough this later development is in some countries specially
Mario Bunge. (1987). Why Parapsychology Cannot Become a Science. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10: 576-577.
Terence Hines. (2003). Pseudoscience and the Paranormal. Prometheus Books. pp. 113-150. ISBN 1-57392-979-4
Pigliucci, Massimo; Boudry, Maarten (eds.) (2013). «Goode, Erich. Paranormalism and Pseudoscience as Deviance». Philosophy of pseudoscience: reconsidering the demarcation problem (em inglês). Many observers refer to the field as a "pseudoscience". When mainstream scientists say that the field of parapsychology is not scientific, they mean that no satisfying naturalistic cause-and-effect explanation for these supposed effects has yet been proposed and that the field's experiments cannot be consistently replicated. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp. 145–163. ISBN978-0-226-05182-6A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)