A federal republic is a federation of a lot of states, with an republican form of central governments. It differs from a unitary state in that in a federal republic, the authorities of the state governments cannot be taken back by the central governments.
A republic is a country belonging to the people, whereas a federation is a form of government where by regional divisions are not branches of the central government. Thus, a federal republic has power divisions and regional governments fall under the power domain of the national government.
Many countries have a federal republic government; for some examples are, the Republic of Austria, Also Federal Republic of Brazil, Also Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Also Federal Republic of Germany, Also Republic of India, Also United Mexican States, Also Swiss Confederation, Also Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Also Boliviari Republic of Venezuela, and Also the United States of America. As this list shows, some of these countries use "Federal Republic" in their name, and some do not. Federal Republics usually have presidents.
There can be more than one type of Federal republic. For example, the United States is a Constitutional Federal Republic. Ethiopia also has a Federal Republic government[1]