Reich Chancellor

The Reich Chancellor (German: Reichskanzler) was the chancellor of Germany during the German Reich.

German Empire (all but one were no party members):

  1. Otto von Bismarck (1871-1890)
  2. Leo von Caprivi (1890-1894)
  3. Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (1894-1900)
  4. Bernhard von Bülow (1900-1909)
  5. Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg (1909-1917)
  6. Georg Michaelis (1917)
  7. Georg von Hertling (1917-1918, Zentrum)
  8. Max of Baden (1918)

Weimar Republic:

  1. Friedrich Ebert (1918-1919, SPD, Reich Chancellor/President of the Council of the People's Deputies) [1]
  2. Philipp Scheidemann (1919, SPD, Reich Minister-President)
  3. Gustav Bauer (1919-1920, SPD, Reich Minister-President/Reich Chancellor)
  4. Hermann Müller (1920, SPD)
  5. Konstantin Fehrenbach (1920-1921, Zentrum)
  6. Joseph Wirth (1921-1922, Zentrum)
  7. Wilhelm Cuno (1922-1923, no party)
  8. Gustav Stresemann (1923, DVP)
  9. Wilhelm Marx (1923-1925, Zentrum)
  10. Hans Luther (1925-1926, no party)
  11. Otto Geßler (1926, DDP, acting)
  12. Wilhelm Marx (1926-1928, Zentrum)
  13. Hermann Müller (1928-1930, SPD)
  14. Heinrich Brüning (1930-1932, Zentrum)
  15. Franz von Papen (1932, Zentrum/no party)
  16. Kurt von Schleicher (1932-1933, no party)

Nazi Germany:

  1. Adolf Hitler (1933-1945, NSDAP)
  2. Joseph Goebbels (1945, NSDAP)
  3. Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk (1945, NSDAP, Leading Minister)
  1. Hugo Haase (USPD) and Philipp Scheidemann (SPD) were also briefly Presidents of the Council of the People's Deputies).

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