Vetenskaplig kreationism

Vetenskaplig kreationism är en form av kreationism som gör anspråk på att ge vetenskapligt stöd för skapelseberättelsen i Första Moseboken samt motbevisa eller återförklara vetenskapliga fakta,[1] teorier och paradigm om geologi,[2] kosmologi, biologisk evolution,[3][4] arkeologi,[5][6] historia och lingvistik.[7]

  1. ^ Kehoe, Alice B. (1983), ”The word of God”, i Godfrey, Laurie R., Scientists Confront Creationism, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, s. 1–12, 
  2. ^ Montgomery, David R. (2012). The Rocks Don't Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah's Flood. Norton. 
  3. ^ Plavcan 2007, "The Invisible Bible: The Logic of Creation Science," p. 361. "Most creationists are simply people who choose to believe that God created the world – either as described in Scripture or through evolution. Creation Scientists, by contrast, strive to use legitimate scientific means both to disprove evolutionary theory and to prove the creation account as described in Scripture."
  4. ^ Numbers 2006, s. 271–274.
  5. ^ Harold, Francis B.; Eve, Raymond A. (1995). Cult Archaeology and Creationism. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa. 
  6. ^ Moshenska, Gabriel. ”The Oxford Companion to Archaeology”. i Silberman, Neil Asher. The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. "1". Oxford University Press. s. 54. 
  7. ^ Pennock, Robert T. (2000). Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism. Bradford Books. 

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